Friday, April 30, 2010

The Gifts of Bedrest

I could easily write another way too long post detailing how much bedrest sucks, how frustrating it is to be stuck down while the house falls apart around me, how I feel my muscles turn to mush. let alone not being able to go see my mom. But enough with the Debbie Downer, let's try the sunny side of the street, shall we?

When I'd been couch bound for a couple days, Joey told me, "There's one good thing about you being on bedrest. I always know where to find you." Everybody now, awwww. Of course, then comes the never ending guilt, does he usually not know where to find me? But still that was pretty cute.

I've gotten to spend more time with my kiddos, really talking and listening to them. I spend a lot of time around my guys, but usually I'm doing something else at the same time. I'm doing the dishes or cooking or picking up. But now I'm stuck down, they come down and I really talk to them. Or I listen to them tell me about their day. It is really wonderful to listen to them play together, they get into the Legos and they are so fun to hear. I would never normally hear that. And I am reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to Joe and Jon is listening. Since Jon was six, I've read him one of the Harry Potter books each summer. Last year, Joey was ready to start them. After I finish book 2 with Joe, Jon and I will start book 4, The Goblet of Fire. Here are my goofballs listening.

I mentioned spring in the last post. I haven't been outside a whole lot since being put on bed rest. But when the stars align, it's nice outside and Jim is willing to get me a chair and be on my beck and call, I go sit in the front yard. The guys ride their scooters and run around and I sit and enjoy the sun. I don't feel guilty about not wedding the flower beds or getting the veggies in the ground because I'm not allowed. I need to just sit there and soak in the sun.

Besides Harry Potter, I've had more time to read. I really enjoyed The Help, I would highly recommend it. I was able to finish The Fiery Cross, well over a thousand pages of Gabaldon. I didn't think there was a chance I would finish it before Little Miss was born. Today I finished The Middle Place, another great book.

But the greatest gift of bed rest has been the support that has surrounded my family. The wonderful ladies of my book group set up a schedule and have brought meals every day since I was hospitalized. They have meals set up until the end of May. Isn't that amazing! My sisters, JJ, and Peg, came down with their kiddos this weekend. It was fun to watch the kiddos play, but they also brought a ton of baby supplies, and JJ cleaned my house. One friend is picking up Joey for school everyday and another friend has taken Jon out to her house to run several times. Friends stop by with food, books, or magazines or just to talk. I feel so blessed.
My niece and nephew and my belly. Aren't we cute?

Every pregnant woman should have a Superwomen tee shirt. Because, hello, growing a new life, what better super power could there be? Besides, my mom had one when she was expecting my sister. Notice my magazines and remotes all within reaching distance. I was going to dress up a little or maybe put on some makeup for this picture, but I decided to keep it real. This is where I spend much of my day and this is how I look. I did shower though. That doesn't happen everyday.

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