Friday, September 25, 2009

To blog or not to blog

As you can see, I started this blog in July and I have published a grand total of two posts. Oh my. I think about posting, I write posts in my head, I've even got a couple drafts started, but that's about as far as it gets. Why, why am I not writing? I can come up with many excuses, I'm sure anyone out there could guess the main one. No time. But if I'm honest with myself, there is time. I'm busy, of course I'm busy. I have two kids, a husband and a full time job teaching middle school students. That all keeps me busy. But I have time to read. If I make it a priority there is time to write and read.

I'm not writing because I'm scared. I'm one of those goofy perfectionists who is so worried I'm not going to do it right, I don't even start.

I'm also scared of putting myself out there. I don't expect to become one of the big name bloggers, but what if I blog something and somebody starts an argument. I hate confrontation. I started a small one one my Facebook account about healthcare. I don't argue well, I see my point and I want everyone else to see it as well. I often can see the other person's perspective to a degree, but I can't understand how they could really believe that healthcare reform shouldn't happen and happen soon?

I'm also scared of being ignored. I have no idea how to develop a readership, but I want people to follow me. Both because I think I have some interesting things to say, but also to get other's perspectives. As long as they aren't far from mine.

But I'm going to start blogging regularly now. Really, I am.

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