Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Lazy Sunday

We didn't go to church this morning. That's pretty unusual at our house. I don't think you have to go to church to get into heaven or anything. I don't think they take attendance. But I really like listening to our minister, he is really good. And it's just the routine around here. But our service was combined this morning with another church about 15 minutes away and we just didn't feel like going. Okay, I didn't feel like going. Jim goes to church most Sundays with me because it make me happy and because it's much easier for me to convince the guys to go if Jim is going too. So when I told him last week I didn't want to go to the special service, he didn't argue.

It was a nice day. The guys took every pillow, and I mean every pillow, in the house and stocked our bedroom with them. There was basically no open floor in there. They had forts and crawl space and everything.

I got to watch Sunday morning on CBS, the whole show without worrying about being late for church. I love that show. I had coffee in a real cup, not my travel mug. I love real cups of coffee. It was a truly lovely morning.

Then we had to clean up, not so lovely.

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