Hi, remember me? I'm still here. I was going to blame my long hiatus on going back to work, but since I didn't write at all during July, that wouldn't be completely honest.
We're doing okay here. Really, really busy. I thought I was busy before, now it is just nuts. Hope is a good baby, almost all the time. She likes people to pay attention to her. If she realizes she is alone in the room, she throws a fit until someone entertains her. After a couple rough months, nursing is going very smoothly. She's growing like a weed, rolling and sitting for very short periods of time. She is on her 4th cold since starting daycare in August. That's getting all sorts of old, but what cha gonna do?
The guys are doing well. Jon in 3rd grade and Joe in 1st. Jon has become a true reader. He read all 5 of the Percy Jackson books in just a couple weeks. I love catching him in a corner, devouring a book. And since Jon is spending more time reading, Joey has decided he should too. Love it when peer pressure works to my advantage!
Jim taught more a small private college in the biggish city to the south. His title change to "visiting instructor" and his pay was increased, woo hoo! But still no benies, boo! I think he enjoys what he's doing, all freshman English. I think he misses the English as a Second Language learners. They tend to be much more excited about learning than your typical Midwestern nineteen year old. But he feels appreciated there, and that helps.
And me you ask? I'm aright, I guess, most the time. I love teaching 8th grade English, much more than I'd anticipated. Love the books, the discussion, and even some of the attitudes. I rarely have to wonder what they are thinking for long. I really do love it.
But.... you knew that was coming right? I am so insanely busy. I know I started the post with that, but seriously I feel like that old chicken without it's head most the time. I work my tail off at work, and spend a some time chit chatting with adults, is that so bad? But I'm constantly behind on my grading and often my planning. And as for my house, sigh... I currently have two laundry rooms, the dirty one and the clean one, formally known as the family room. Every morning I send the guys downstairs to find clean socks and undies and often pants. They are not fans of said running.
A couple pics to sum up the last couple months.
The Mario Brothers and a little monster.
The only picture I have of them on my camera was taken at the mall a couple days before the big day. I forgot to charge my camera battery for Halloween.
Me and my favorite God daughter, my only God daughter: )
My sister Jill's little girl the day after her baptism.
Again, I'd forgotten my camera on the big day: (
The kids at the 2nd annual Friends' retreat at a near by state park.
The cabins are way nicer than my house.
Friday night was our friends and their kiddos.
Saturday was my book club.
Very different evenings, but both were great.
Forgot to take the camera out Saturday night, are you noticing a trend?
The BIG day.
The day my sister's foster children became her son and daughter.